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Our Pools

Wave Therapies has access to pools of different temperatures. We will use the pool that is most appropriate for your condition. Our 92-degree pool offers a neutral warmth experience. Our 82-degree pool works best for clients whose conditions are exacerbated by heat or may be seeking a more aerobic session. Both our pools have a Hoyer lift, but you will need to provide your own sling. Our 92-degree pool also has a zero-entry ramp.

If you  have access to a private pool or hot tub, please let us know. We have the flexibility to conduct therapy sessions at locations that are most convenient for you.

Wave Therapies has been providing breakthrough results for more than 25 years. Our professional staff, modern equipment, and one-on-one sessions are key factors in our success rate.

We are staffed by licensed physical therapists who are well established in their field.

Our pools have access to Hoyer lifts, so getting in and out of the pool can be accomplished with ease. We provide all the latest aquatic therapy equipment to get you moving safely in the water.

Individual, customized plans and one-on-one therapist/client sessions in the pool are keys to our success.


Is aquatic physical therapy right for you? Let’s connect so we can learn more about your specific needs.

Access & Ammenities

Our pool facilities are ADA compliant and offer accessible parking and building access.  For your convenience, changing rooms and shower facilities are available. Additionally, we have a Hoyer lift for easy pool access. You just need to bring your own sling.

Cancer Survivor

I have gained strength in my muscles and the pain has been reduced, allowing me to be more productive in my daily life.

Spinal Muscular Atrophy

The pool is daughter’s favorite place to be because, even though she uses a wheelchair on land, she gets to “walk in water.”


Jennifer is knowledgeable, communicative, efficient, and she cares about her clients. I highly recommend Wave Therapies!

Medical Recovery

My life has been made infinitely better with the help of Jennifer and the benefits of working together in the pool.

Spinal Muscular Atrophy

The experience has been wonderful. Gravity cannot hold me prisoner in the pool like it does on land. My lungs get a workout while my arms and legs explore mobility that I once thought was lost.

Neurological Disorder

Jennifer is incredibly knowledgeable and resourceful, absolutely gifted in working with teens, and is an outstanding communicator – with our daughter, with us, and with the entire medical/therapy team.

Muscular Dystrophy

I have worked with Jennifer for three years and she has been a game-changer for me. Jennifer is a shining example of a person who is doing exactly what she was put on earth to do.


Jennifer is the reason I return over and over again. She is great!

Spinal Cord Injury

I leave our session every week feeling empowered because I know that if I can walk in the water today, I will be able to walk on land one day. I am going to beat the odds!

Multiple Disabilities

Working with Jennifer has been such an unexpected delight. Being in the pool gives me a freedom that is difficult to put into words. I look forward to it every week.