d.d. cancer survivor
I am a cancer survivor, but chemotherapy and radiation left my body extremely weak. I also have pain in my joints, and I am fatigued all the time. Wave Therapies was recommended to me by my Physical Therapist at Swedish Hospital. The results of working with Jennifer in the water has been a game changer for me.
The low impact of warm water allows me to do far more strength activities than I could do on land. I can really feel the results. I have gained strength in my muscles and the pain has been reduced, allowing me to be more productive in my daily life.
The friendly interaction with Jennifer has also helped me tremendously. She is so knowledgeable. Her caring and commitment to helping me get better really shows. She keeps me on track with the therapy motions and always looks for new ways to challenge me. If I could do this every day I would. The impact on my life has been nothing but positive.

When my daughter, Emma, was eight months old, she was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). This was the scariest time in our lives – even the doctors did not know what to expect. I found Wave Therapies on-line and reached out to Jennifer. She responded immediately, was extremely knowledgeable about SMA, and gave us an overview of how aquatic physical therapy could help her condition.
Because water removes gravity, Emma always feels so free in the pool. Krista is Emma’s therapist. We are so grateful we get to work with her. Krista is the first person I call when I have questions or need to talk about Emma’s progress.
My daughter is now five years old, attends Kindergarten, and she is blowing away everybody’s expectations. She is bright and confident. The pool is her favorite place to be because, even though she uses a wheelchair on land, she gets to “walk in water”.
I would describe Jennifer and Krista as kind, patient, and knowledgeable. They have treated us like family. I am so grateful that they have come into our lives and given us hope.
Four years ago, I was in a traumatic motor home accident which resulted in the loss of my wife and granddaughter and left me as a paraplegic. With a T10 spinal cord injury, I had no feeling from my waist down and the doctors at Harborview only gave me an 8% chance of walking again. I have been in physical therapy five days/week ever since.
Approximately one year ago, my therapist recommended that I add aquatic physical therapy into the mix. I wish I had done it sooner! With the help of Jennifer and the support of the water, I am walking in the pool! It’s a slow process, but I am building the connections in my brain that are training my legs how to move again.
I appreciate the professionalism that Jennifer brings to the process. She always keeps me focused on the goal. Plus, she has a positive attitude. Her smile and sense of humor always lift my spirits. I leave our session every week feeling empowered because I know that if I can walk in the water today, I will be able to walk on land one day. I am going to beat the odds!

I like water therapy because of the whole-body workout that it gives to me. Jennifer gives me the exercises that I specifically need. Then she observes what I’m doing right or wrong and gives me feedback. Jennifer is the reason I return over and over again. She is great!
Jennifer was recommended to me by my doctor at Harborview. I needed physical therapy after the birth of my twins left me with a weakened abdominal core, causing pain and making daily life unbearable. My condition eventually required surgery to place an implant in my abdominal wall.
Jennifer was there both pre- and post-surgery to help me build my core and lower back strength and get my body back in alignment. What’s more, Jennifer works in the water. She made sure we accomplished our goals without any strain on my medical implant. My life has been made infinitely better with the help of Jennifer and the benefits of working together in the pool.

I’ve been coming to Jennifer for water therapy since January of 2019. She is a great therapist and advocate. Working in the warm water helps me relax so I can move more easily. I would choose aquatic therapy over any other type of physical therapy. In the water, I’m able to practice walking without being strapped to robotics. I always leave feeling better than when I came. As a tetraplegic, I have a long way to go, but Jennifer meets my needs at each session. She is currently helping me qualify for a new wheelchair. She is knowledgeable, communicative, efficient, and she cares about her clients. I highly recommend Jennifer at Wave Therapies!
We chose Wave Therapies for our teenage daughter who is dealing with a functional neurological disorder and has been in a wheelchair, unable to walk, for several months. Jennifer came highly recommended and, as soon as we spoke with her, we knew we were in the right hands. She is incredibly knowledgeable and resourceful, absolutely gifted in working with teens, and is an outstanding communicator – with our daughter, with us, and with the entire medical/therapy team.
Jennifer blends her wisdom and expertise in the water with determination, hard work, and humor in a way that keeps our daughter engaged, communicative, and willing to work hard for her recovery. Jennifer sets clear weekly mobility goals, and we continue to see improvement with each session. In the pool, our daughter is experiencing moving in ways she can’t on land yet, but the process is giving her body and her brain the chance to see what it “can do” instead of what it “can’t do” – which is key to her recovery. Jennifer has a way of pushing her to do things she didn’t think she could do and, instead of coming out of therapy feeling defeated and overwhelmed, she comes out expressing confidence and pride in her hard work.
We were floundering before we connected with Jennifer. We were not seeing any progress with the previous physical therapy sessions and our daughter was feeling hopeless and scared about her future – as were we. Jennifer has turned that completely around. She has also recommended clinical physical therapists who work with our daughter in addition to her aquatic physical therapy – people who, like Jennifer, really understand the diagnosis and how to treat it.
We now know it is no longer a question of IF she will walk again, but WHEN she will walk again. What an incredible relief! We couldn’t make a stronger, more confident recommendation for Wave Therapies. Working in the water for anyone with disabilities (physical and emotional) provides benefits we couldn’t have even imagined before this process. Working with Jennifer in the water remains the foundation of our daughter’s recovery process. We are so very grateful!

Ten years ago, I was diagnosed with a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy. This debilitating, progressive disease has affected my mobility. I have gone from walking on my own, to using a cane, then a walker, scooter, and finally, I am now in a wheelchair. I knew I wanted to use the pool to combat the progression of this disease and build strength in my remaining muscles.
I was already familiar with the Bellevue Aquatic Center and its reputation for being one of the finest facilities around. From there, it was easy to find Jennifer at Wave Therapies as she came highly recommended from the staff at the pool. I am also grateful to Kaiser Permanente for referring me out and covering my treatment.
I have worked with Jennifer for three years now and she has been a game-changer for me. Jennifer is a shining example of a person who is doing exactly what she was put on earth to do. I have a whole team of doctors and therapists, but it is Jennifer that I feel blessed to have in my corner. Her treatment is all encompassing, she is a problem-solver, and I have benefited from her knowledge, both in and out of the pool. Jennifer is a champion in her field, and she is my champion in life.
I have multiple disabilities which have left me in a wheelchair with limited mobility. As a physical therapist myself, I knew all the benefits of aquatic physical therapy. It also helped that I have always loved the pool. So, about two years ago, I decided to seek out water therapy to treat my own condition.
I knew Jennifer through our professional association, so choosing Wave Therapies was not a difficult decision. However, working with Jennifer has been such an unexpected delight. Being in the pool gives me a freedom that is difficult to put into words. We are working on strength, range of motion (especially in my upper arms) and stretching. Aquatic physical therapy gives me something to look forward to on a weekly basis.
Swimming would not be possible without the help of Jennifer. Wave Therapies is also one of the few practices in the area that has the equipment I need to access the pool. Jennifer is helpful because she “speaks” my language. I haven’t practiced physical therapy for the past five years, but she still treats me with respect, while honoring my condition. I have nothing but the greatest admiration for Jennifer.

I was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Type 2 in 1993 when I was only one-year old. This left me with virtually no control of my body. I was looking for a therapist who was knowledgeable about SMA when another patient told me about Jennifer at Wave Therapies.
Right from the start, I was amazed how safe I felt in the pool with Jennifer. The experience has been wonderful. Gravity cannot hold me prisoner in the pool like it does on land. My lungs get a workout while my arms and legs explore mobility that I once thought was lost. I have not been able to swim since I was seven years old. It’s so wonderful to feel like a kid again! Plus, the temperature of the pool is so warm and soothing.
My gains have been evident out of the pool as well. I have more stamina to get me through my day. My mental health has also improved. The last few years have been tough. My time in the pool is pure bliss and all my worries just float away. I am so lucky to have found Wave Therapies!